We had a great time at Mass Innovation Nights last night.  Once a month, founder Bobbie Carlton brings together some of Boston’s coolest new startups at IBM’s campus in Waltham, MA. The event is free and is a great opportunity to meet people interested in marketing and technology.   Below is a list of some of the companies we learned about via speed presentations that were given in 5 minutes or less.

Sproxil – Provides world-class brand protection for emerging markets through software and services that work anywhere there are mobile phones.  http://www.sproxil.com

Jumper –  Jumper 2.0 is commercial open source software for universal search and knowledge management powered by a collaborative bookmarking engine. http://www.jumpernetworks.com Plymouth, MA

Rate it Green – Rate It Green is an online community for everyone interested in green building, from newcomers to seasoned experts and for both residential and commercial projects. http://www.rateitgreen.com

thebuyersNET.com – ThebuyersNet helps buyer building buying networks to get volume discounts on products and services.thebuyersNET.com Sharon, MA

The event was both interesting and educational.  We will definitely be going again. You can learn more about Mass Innovation Nights and their upcoming events at www.massinnovationnights.com

Rewatchable is a Massachusetts Video Production company.