Video Editing Service Released By YouTube

First off, the new video editing service released by YouTube will NOT replace Final Cut Pro, iMovie, Adobe Premiere or any other video editing software based solution.  With that said, YouTube has once again taken online video to a whole new level with their new...

Why you should NEVER upload video directly to Facebook

It’s a given (or at least should be) that any corporate video that your organization produces, appears in, or might be interesting to your company should be featured on your Facebook fan page.  What might seem less obvious is that you should almost never use...

The River 92.5 Video

Boston Radio station 92.5 The River is not your typical radio station.  92.5 The River is independent, solar powered and embracing social media in a big way.   The radio station is using Facebook, YouTube and Twitter to interact with their listeners in new and...

Online Video To Account For 91% Of Internet Traffic

The smart people over at Cisco have some staggering projections related to internet video.  Cisco has developed the Cisco VNI Forecast (VNI – Visual Networking Index) to estimate future global IP traffic growth.  Cisco is validating  something online video...